Preventing The Flu Naturally

Fortunately, there is plenty we can do to build our bodies’ natural defences and keep those winter colds and flu at bay.

How does the immune system work?

Our immune system is a sophisticated network of organs, chemicals and cells which work together to protect us from pathogens (foreign objects which cause diseases such as bacteria, viruses and fungi). The immune system has three levels:

The first line of defence is sometimes referred to as ‘innate’ or ‘non-specific’ immunity and includes the epithelial cells in the skin, nose and throat which provide a physical barrier to pathogens, as well as mucous and fine hairs that line the respiratory and digestive tracts and chemicals and enzymes found in sweat, saliva, tears and hydrochloric acid which destroy pathogens.

If pathogens make it through this protective layer, our second level of defence kicks in: white blood cells called phagocytes and macrophages which “eat” foreign materials. Our third level of defence is our T and B lymphocytes which produce chemicals and antibodies to destroy foreign objects and infected body cells. T and B lymphocytes are part of our immunological memory, i.e. they remember pathogens encountered in the past and can activate a response when this same bug is encountered again.

Our immune system continues to adapt and develop over the course of our lifetime as we are exposed to new pathogens. Building a strong immune system is not about protecting our body from exposure to pathogens, but providing our body with a strong foundation to enable it to respond quickly and appropriately when we do encounter nasties.

Your Prescription for Winter Immunity


Solid foundations

Taking care of winter immunity means more than just an emergency response if we do catch a cold - although natural medicine does provide us with lots of options here. A strong immune system relies on a strong level of foundational health. Good health foundations make our bodies resilient – meaning if we do fall acutely ill, our body is able to promptly fight off the illness.

We build strong foundational health with good sleep, exercise and by providing our cells with quality nutrition. A healthful diet is the starting point, but it is difficult to obtain all the nutrients we need through diet alone, so quality immune system support through supplementation is important. Xtend-Life’s Total Balance range contains all the nutrients your body needs for optimum health and to build good immunity.

Vitamin C

The old favourite, Vitamin C increases production of interferon, one of the body’s main immune chemicals and also enhances white blood cell activity[2]. Get it from kiwifruit, strawberries, chillies, capsicum, tomatoes, green vegetables and citrus fruit.

Vitamin A

Lesser known than Vitamin C but no less important, Vitamin A plays a dual role in keeping those winter colds at bay. Firstly, it is needed for the formation and protection of epithelial tissue, our first barrier of defence. Epithelial tissue includes both the outer skin and the mucous membranes which line our nose, throat and digestive system. Vitamin A deficiency can cause changes in this epithelium layer, allowing pathogens to enter your body more easily.

Secondly, Vitamin A has a direct impact on immune function, and both cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity are affected when Vitamin A levels are low. Get Vitamin A from eggs, oily fish (mackerel, salmon and sardines), organic dairy foods and, if you can bear it, organic liver. Beta-carotene is the precursor to Vitamin A and is found in orange and yellow coloured vegetables such as carrots, sweet potato, red and orange capsicum, tomatoes and apricots.

Unique Effective Blend

Packed with flu-fighting ingredients like Turmeric, Zinc, Selenium, Olive Leaf and Vitamin C, Immu-Stay may help reduce the severity and duration of colds.

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